WorldatWork Liaison: Certification Class Coordinator: 5-6 hours for each class (4-5x per year)
Serve as backup/assistant to the WorldatWork Board Liaison to handle all logistics required to hold classes
- Order Food/Beverages, taking into account any participant restrictions
- Secure / verify classroom space and all necessary equipment
- Communicate at key times with W@W, class instructor and class participants regarding upcoming class, hotel information, directions, etc.
- Receive materials from W@W and return in a timely manner
- Serve as backup/assistant to Board Liaison position to open and close class sessions
- Serve as backup/assistant to Board Liaison position to perform yearly class scheduling and agreement preparation with WorldatWork in order to schedule the following year’s classes
- Learn all position responsibilities to prepare for the transition into the Board WorldatWork Liaison position in a subsequent year