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  • June Meeting: Market Compensation Data and It's Role in Today's Pay Programs

June Meeting: Market Compensation Data and It's Role in Today's Pay Programs

  • June 10, 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center


Registration is closed
Mark Avery from Market Pay Presents: Market Compensation Data and its Role in Today's Pay Programs

A typical large company spends months of work and tens of thousands of dollars participating in, organizing, and analyzing compensation surveys, with the objective of making recommendations and responding to questions about their company's pay programs.

Why all the focus on market data? Has it always been this way? What in particular are they doing with all that data, and what kinds of problems are they solving through their efforts? How should all this fit in with business strategy and compensation philosophies?

Mark Avery, President of MarketPay, provider of the MarketPay On-Line Market Pricing System will try to answer these questions based on his experience as a compensation consultant and his company's experience building and managing benchmarking databases for hundreds of large companies. Mark will provide his perspective on trends and approaches regarding the use of market data by today's top organizations.

Reserve this date for the June meeting!

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 and the agenda is as follows:
         8:00 am -
8:30 am -
8:45 am -
8:30 am
8:45 am
10:00 am
   Registration, Continental Breakfast and Networking
Business Meeting and Networking

LOCATION: This meeting will take place at the Atlanta Marriott Perimeter Center (map to Marriott), which is located at 246 Perimeter Center Parkway NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30346.

You may register for the meeting at our website on this website under the "Meeting Registration" link. Dues for 2014 must be paid prior to enrollment. AACA members are allowed to bring one guest for free to the first meeting of the calendar year. Additional guests and other non-members will be charged $30 to attend.

We hope to see you there!

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